Tag: Bulgaria

The next most valuable asset in M&A

You will hardly be surprised: people. High-growth companies will be challenged to justify record high valuations based on revenue growth only, they must firmly stand on the path of sustainable profitability. Hence, people (founders, executives, top and mid-level management and key employees), with their often unique skillsets, expertise, experience and reputation, will be instrumental to […]

M&A Due Diligence Management Presentations

Another very important aspect in a M&A process. Top management (nowadays very often includes the founder/s of the target company, the masterminds behind the successful business venture) may sell the company (at a premium) or deter potential investors. Generally, management presentations to investors and their advisers will be considered disclosures (disclosed facts) against the representations […]

Mогат ли да бъдат вредни за българската икономика и правова държава регулатори като Комисията за защита на конкуренцията?

Когато един регулаторен държавен орган не изпълнява ефективно и в пълен обем възложените му по закон правомощия този орган не функционира в полза на обществото и икономическото развитие. И там, където регулираният от закона пазар не е в достатъчна степен конкурентен и либерализиран и пазарната сила е концентрирана в един или малко на брой пазарни […]

Bulgaria M&A Brief Practical Notes 5

M&A lawyers play a role in the deal-making process. A critical part of that role is to facilitate the closing of the transaction. That’s why when selecting their M&A advisers clients would often look into the respective lawyer’s closing track-record, and try identify who the best closers are among the shortlisted lawyers. The path to […]