We offer support on a broad range of employment matters, helping you to build and maintain your company’s reputation as an employer of choice. We act discretely for employers and top managers alike in relation to termination of management contracts.
What we do
Acted for a multinational technology and media company on the localisation and implementation of its group policies, processes and procedures, including relevant modifications to the local employment contracts.
Advised a multinational consumer products and life sciences company on various employment and corporate governance matters.
In the context of an acquisition of a Bulgarian software company, where the acquisition of the existing local entity was undesirable, acting for the acquirer, we have designed and implemented an action plan for transfer of the entire team of software engineers and developers ensuring among others valid and enforceable assignment of the intellectual property rights.
In the context of an intragroup restructuring we have advised an international technology company on the mass dismissal of the entire team located in Bulgaria and represented it in the related mass dismissal procedure and the negotiations with the employees and their representatives.
We have represented a software company and its international owner in an investigation by the Bulgarian labour authorities in relation to alleged non-compliance with national labour regulations concerning working conditions and working times.
In the context of a post-acquisition integration of an acquired business, we have advised an international leasing company on the termination of employment contracts of underperforming managers and helped the client negotiate settlement agreements for termination on mutual consent.
We have advised and represented the Chief Financial Officer of a recently acquired telecommunications and entertainment company in the negotiations with the employer for termination of his management contract.
We have advised the Chief Operations Officer of the Bulgarian entity of an international cosmetics company on the termination of her management contract on favorable terms.